No Regrets

New World UMCNews & Events

No Regrets
There are times in this life when you simply must trust God. There are times that will test your faith, your resolve, and your love. These times are difficult and challenging. The good news is that God’s Spirit is available to assist us in times like these. Jesus told his disciples that he would not leave them without comfort or help. His words then are also for us today. “And I will ask the Father and he will give you another Advocate to be with you forever,” (John 14:15). Advocate also means champion, spokesperson, crusader, supporter and fighter. In short, what we need, God’s Spirit will provide. We must decide if we are going to trust, rely on and obey the Holy Spirit. Challenging……yes……costly……sometimes…….but it’s how disciples of Jesus Christ are called to live. My mother used to say, “the Spirit will never mislead you.” As I seek daily to live by the Spirit, I discover the truth of her words. Whatever challenges are before you, whatever obstacles you face, don’t forget to pray to, listen to and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. You will never regret it.