
Day School Programs

In addition to classroom activities, each class attends Body Rhythmics for 20 minutes each day. Gross motor skill development is taught through music and movement. Christmas and End of the Year programs are highlights of the year.

Another part of the curriculum is weekly chapel time. At chapel the children and teachers come together to celebrate God’s love with stories, puppets, and songs.

All age groups learn the Pledge of Allegiance and recite it daily.

Playground time permits children to use their imaginations, explore their environment, expand their independence, and develop their muscles and coordination skills. The outdoor time is 20 minutes each day, weather permitting.

Day School Programs

The Young 2's and 2 ½ year olds

The Young 2's and 2 ½-year-old program at New World is an introduction to preschool.

This age group focuses on social/emotional, language, motor skill, and cognitive development.

The latest in developmental research shows curriculums that incorporate age-appropriate literature, music, educational materials and play enhance the rapid changes occurring in brain development at the earliest years of life.

Young 2's and 2 ½ year olds

The teacher and children discuss the weekly unit of study, color/shape of the week, day, month, and read a story that correlates with the weekly theme.

• Art Center: Using crayons, chalk, markers and paint stimulates small motor skills. As skills progress, the use of glue and scissors is incorporated into the art activities.

• Home Center: Dramatic play through dress up and interactive role-play develops socialization and communication skills.

• Puzzles and manipulatives: Blocks, puzzles, and large stringing beads provide discovery through building, sorting and matching.

The 3 year olds

New World Day School's three-year-old program opens the door to fine arts and lays the foundation for academic success.

This age group focuses on the development of the whole child through cognitive learning and small/gross motor skill development.

Thematic units of study take the children on an incredible journey of imagination and learning.

3 year olds

The three-year-old teachers utilize the masterpieces of Van Gogh, Monet, Jackson Pollock, Rousseau, Mondrian, Seurat, Matisse, and Michelangelo to improve the children's visual-discrimination skills and verbal abilities. The teachers use each master's style to teach shapes, colors, and lines. Artistic activities with paint, markers, chalk, and clay develop fine motor skills. Studies show that children who are exposed to fine art learn to draw concrete conclusions, an ability valuable in math and science.

Another highlight of the three-year-old program is the introduction to sign language. Each week the children learn a word or short phrase that relates to the unit of study. Signing promotes language development and strengthens fine motor skills and is an excellent communication tool for three year olds.

In addition to fine art and sign language, the love of learning is instilled through quality children's literature. To reinforce and enhance the units of study, the teachers read books correlating with the weekly thematic units to the children each day.

The 4 year olds

New World Day School's four-year-old preschool program focuses on preparing children for kindergarten through phonemic awareness, alphabet recognition, math concepts, science, and creative art.

The four-year-old curriculums are both age and developmentally appropriate. The curriculums stress hands-on creativity while incorporating broad based learning experiences that provide the foundation for academic success.

The program centers on thematic units of study that promote social skill development, problem solving, alphabet recognition, math and science concepts, reading readiness, and an appreciation for quality children's literature.

4 year olds

In addition to academics, a tremendous emphasis is placed on the child's self esteem. Through the various units, children will learn that each person is unique and that individuality is a tremendous asset. The children will take pride in their accomplishments and respect the accomplishments of others.

The classroom centers include creative writing center, reading center, science center, math center, building center, computer, manipulatives/puzzles, and home center. Each center revolves around the week's unit of study. The computers in each of the four-year-old classroom are used daily. Developmentally appropriate software is provided for phonic and math instruction. Spanish and a special phonics program will be offered daily during the Stay and Play time.

Field trips contribute to learning outside the classroom and are an integral part of our program. Parents are encouraged to participate.


The Kindergarten program is developed to instill the love of learning in a fun and exciting atmosphere. Small class size is the key to individual attention and instruction.
The maximum number of students is ten.
An important emphases is placed on small group instruction. The small class allows the teacher to instruct on an accelerated basis.
*PHONICS: Excellent curriculums support our reading/phonics programs. Through daily review and practice, students become very comfortable with "coding" and weekly sight words.
IN ADDITION TO STARFALL CURRICULUM, INDIVIDUALIZED STRATEGIC READING INSTRUCTION builds a firm foundation for successful and confident readers.
*MATH: Mathematics is a concept that is reinforced all during the day. Math begin
s with our morning meeting time, discussing the calendar, time, and reinforced in Math Center. Our curriculums are intensive programs that develop counting, numeration, sequencing, measurement, time, geometry, patterns, money, addition, subtraction, and problem solving.
*SPELLING/SIGHT WORD INSTRUCTION: Sight word instruction begins the 2nd week of school.


COMPUTERS: The computers in the Kindergarten classroom are used daily. Developmentally appropriate software is provided for phonic and math instruction. We have integrated Starfall Online into our Phonics/Math curriculum.
*BODY RHYTHMICS: This program is designed to aid in gross motor skill development through music and movement. The children are introduced to song, dance, various sports, puppets, and other physical activities in this class. The children will perform in two programs during the school year. The Christmas program and Spring Show are highlights of the Kindergarten year.

*REPORT CARDS: Report cards will be sent home on a trimester basis. If your child is experiencing difficulties, you will be notified immediately. Communication between parent and teacher is highly important for your child's success!
ADDITIONAL EMPHASES OF STUDY: Social Studies, Science, Art, and Formal Evaluations.
*CHAPEL: We worship weekly in Interactive Chapel with Bible stories, songs, prayer, and child interaction.